Day 11: 7C Divide Decimals by a 1-Digit Whole Number (1)

Focus Question: How do you divide decimals by a 1-digit number?

Materials from Teacher's Guide:

  • decimal place value chips

Materials from Home Instructor's Guide:

  • decimal place value chips
  • Place Value Chart (TR12)
  • 1 number cube

7C Use this video to support the Learn Together.

Divide Tenths by a Whole Number 

7C Use this video to support the Learn Together.

Divide Hundredths by a Whole Number

It's time to show what you know. Complete the Practice On Your Own in your Student Book.

Ready to see how well you did? Complete the quiz below to show your progress.

7C Use this video to support students during Practice On Your Own.

PM Exclusive: Divide Decimals by a Whole Number (THINK pg. 58)

Is your student ready for more practice? Use these options for practice:

Struggling- Reteach available on EduHub

On-Level- Additional Practice in the Additional Practice Workbook

Exceeding- Extension available on EduHub

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